[Tutor] xml

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed May 25 01:36:27 CEST 2005

On Tue, 24 May 2005, D. Hartley wrote:

> I looked at the page for ElementTree that Max sent out, but I can't
> understand what it's even talking about.

Hello Denise,

ElementTree is a third-party module by the Effbot for handling some of the
drudgery that is XML parsing:


it makes XML documents look like a bunch of nested lists.  Let's work
through a small example with it; that may help to clear some confusion.

If we have something like a small HTML document:

>>> testtext = """
... <html><body>hello world.  <i>foo!</i>
... </body></html>"""

then we can use ElementTree to get a data structure out of this string:

>>> from elementtree import ElementTree
>>> tree = ElementTree.fromstring(testtext)

'tree' here is our root node, and the tree itself has a single child, the
'body' of the text, which we can get at by just indexing it:

>>> len(tree)
>>> tree[0]
<Element body at 403c7a6c>
>>> tree[0].text
'hello world.  '

The body has some text, as well as a child (that italicized node):

>>> tree[0][0]
<Element i at 403c79ec>
>>> tree[0][0].text

One reason why this whole parsing thing is nice is because we can ask the
tree things like: "Give me all the italicized nodes, anywhere in the

>>> for italicNode in tree.findall('.//i'):
...     print italicNode.text

No need to worry about regular expressions at all.  *grin*

We can also start mutating the tree and add more things.  For example,
let's add a "goodbye world" at the tail end of the body.

>>> tree[0].tail
>>> tree[0].tail = "goodbye!"
>>> ElementTree.tostring(tree)
'<html><body>hello world.  <i>foo!</i>\n</body>goodbye!</html>'

Does this make sense?

> Looking through the python modules it seems like I need xmlrpclib - I
> created a serverproxy instance, which I want to use to talk to a server

Out of curiosity, which server?

xmlrpclib is customized to talk to servers that speak the 'xmlrpc'


so it might or might not be appropriate to use it, depending on what
you're trying to connect to.

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