[Tutor] Crossfire problem

Alberto Troiano albertito_g at hotmail.com
Fri May 20 21:51:15 CEST 2005

Hey everyone

I have a very big problem with two versions of Python (2.2.2 and 2.3.4) over 
Linux Red Hat 9.0

I'll try to be as explicit as I can

In the version 2.2.2 I have the module MySQLdb running but not the datetime 
In the version 2.3.4 I have the module datetime running but not the MySQLdb 

I need both modules running in the same version. I have tried to install 
MySQLdb for Python 2.3.4 but no luck and I read several documents telling me 
the steps to follow (in fact I posted yesterday the errors I got) and still 
no luck.

These are the commands I need from datetime module. Is there another way to 
get this info????

hoy=datetime.datetime.now() # Today's date and time as a tuple
dia=days[hoy.isoweekday()] # Today's dayweek as integer from 0 to 6
grupo=datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # string today's 
date and time

I was looking for the datetime module so I can copy it to the libraries of 
Python 2.3.4. About this first I couldn't find the datetime.py in the 
version I'm using over Windows and second where should be located the 
libraries in Linux?????

Thank you very much in advanced


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