[Tutor] XML to Python

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Sat May 7 01:11:29 CEST 2005

On Thu, 5 May 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> I'm able to use the built in XML parser to effect "normal" XML parsing
> usage but frequently, I'm not doing anything to complicated and would
> simply like to translate the XML file into a more "Pythonic" structure.  
> What's the best way to do this?  Something from the standard libraries
> would be preferable.

I've made a mental note to try Amara next time I attack an XML problem.  

The description of Amara's Bindery sounds like it tries to take that
"'Pythonic' structure" approach you refer to:

   Amara XML Toolkit [is] a collection of Pythonic tools for XML data
   binding.  Not just tools that happen to be written in Python, but tools
   built from the ground up to use Python idioms and take advantage of the
   many advantages of Python over other programming languages....

   Bindery: a data binding tool (fancy way of saying it's a very Pythonic 

Mind you, I haven't tried Amara yet, but it looks worth looking into.

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