[Tutor] problem

Allen John Schmidt, Jr. ajschmidt at fredericksburg.com
Tue May 3 16:43:53 CEST 2005

Feziwe Mpondo wrote:

>problem :modification of a guessing game excersize to a password asking 
>program. her's what i tried.
>s = raw_input
What is this here for?

>#asks for a password
>#prints it if correct
>password = input( "Tell me a password: ")
This is correct, but

>password ==dal
>    print password,"Tell me a password: "
>elif password ==dal
>    print "accurate"
should be:
    if password!="dal":   
        print password,"Tell me a password: "
    elif password=="dal":
        print "accurate"

>while password != flower :
>    password = input ("tell me a password: ")
And here you should have flower as "flower", since you are checking a 

Hope that helps!

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