[Tutor] Float precision untrustworthy~~~

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Mar 30 20:38:56 CEST 2005

Jacob S. wrote:
> I've already deleted the recent thread--
> But sometimes I agree with he who said that you can't trust floats at all.
> The scientific theory suggests that if an output is not what it should 
> be, then the hypothesis is untrue.
> In this case, the hypothesis is the fact that float division should 
> always produce the same output as our decimal division used in common 
> schools today. Since that is not always true, then floats are not 
> trustworthy~~~ 

No, you should conclude that the hypothesis is untrue - that in fact float division does not produce 
the same output as decimal division - and look for a new hypothesis. Like, maybe that float division 
is a close approximation of exact decimal division that has some well-known limitations.


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