[Tutor] MineSweeper

Alberto Troiano albertito_g at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 25 19:00:47 CEST 2005

Hey Tutors
I have a question
I want to make a minesweeper (just for practice) but I don't what can I use 
to make the GUI
I was thinking about buttons (click event you know) and change the 
background image on change
Maybe there's another widget to use
My doubt is that I want to be able to allow the user to put how many bombs 
they want and how any spaces (how big is the board) so I will have to create 
buttons dinamically, but in doing this the reference to the buttons will be 
How do I know which button did I click when all buttons have the same name?
Does this make sense?
I recall in VB.6.0 the control matrix but I never knew how to use it

Any help?

Thanks in advanced


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