[Tutor] MySQL Connection Function

Pujo Aji ajikoe at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 20:58:25 CEST 2005

This a very simple connection using mysql.

1. connect to mysql:
db = mySQLdb.connect(user='root',passwd='something')

2. To execute and get the result:
c = db.cursor()
c.execute(sql comment)
result = c.fetchall()

you can wrap it in a class object.


On 6/21/05, Don Parris <webdev at matheteuo.org> wrote:
> As a newbie developer, the easiest way for me to connect to MySQL is to
> just copy & paste the connection commands into each funtion I write.
> However, I know that's far from ideal, and consumes more time than its
> worth.  I would like to create a MySQL connection function that I can just
> call up whenever I need it from within an other function.
> ### The Connection Definition ###
> # def mysql_Conn():
>     # Create a connection object and create a cursor.
>     # Con = MySQLdb.Connect(host="", port=3306, user="user",
>       passwd="password", db="chaddb_test")   # email text wrap here
>     # Cursor = Con.cursor()
> ### The function that Calls the Connection ###
> def mbr_Roster():
>     mysql_Conn()
>     # Make SQL string and execute it.
>     sql = "SELECT fst_name, lst_name FROM person\
>         where env_num is not null\
>         order by lst_name"
>     Cursor.execute(sql)
>     # Fetch all results from the cursor into a sequence and close the
>     # connection.
>     Results = Cursor.fetchall()
>     Con.close()
> How do I get mbr_Roster() to recognize the 'Cursor' from mysql_Conn()?  Do I
> need to declare the cursor as a global variable?
> >From the Traceback:
> global name 'Cursor' is not defined
> Don
> --
> evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
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