[Tutor] learning how to use python

Alan G alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Fri Jun 10 09:36:59 CEST 2005

Hi and welcome.

> I am new to programming and this is the first language that I will
> learning. I am trying to get the shell to print "hello world".

> I followed all of the  steps to save it and then run the file

Which tutorial are you following?

> to get it to print in the shell. the shell gives me an error and
> also says that personal firewall software is blocking the

That sounds like a known problem with the latest version of IDLE.
I haven't upgraded to 2.4 yet so hopefully someone else can point
you at the solution.

But in general when you post a message here it's worth including
the code - if it's not hundreds of lines long! And also a cut n paste
of the actual error message because, although they may not look
friendly initially, Python errors are actually very informative
once you know how to read them!

Take care,

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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