[Tutor] range function

Srinivas Iyyer srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 29 23:34:32 CET 2005


I have bunch of coordinates for various vectors. 


small vecs:

name      cord. X    cord. Y   Sector no.
smvec1    75          100        1aa
smvec2    25          50         1aa
smvec3    135         155        1ab

large vecs:                                zone
Lvec1     10          50          1aa      ut
Lvec1     60          110         1aa      cd
Lvec1     130         180         1ab      cd

Now I am checking if small vecs are falling in which
large vecs.

I initially tried by taking sm X and sm Y coordinates
into two variables smX smY and similarly LX and LY and
if smX >=lX and smY <= LY:
          print line in large vect +'\t' + line in
small vec. 

Unfortunately this failed. because LX and LY are not
matched together. 

The other way by taking tuples:

for line in smallvecs:
     cols = line.split('\t')
     smvec_tup = zip(cols[1],cols[2])
     for line2 in largevec:
          cols  = line2.split('\t')
          lvec_tup = zip(cols[1]+'\t'+cols[2])
## from here I have no clue, :-( ###
           if smvec_tup is in rane(lvec_tup):
              print line+'\t'+line2

ultimately I want to say:
smvec1   smX   smY    LX  LY    Lvec1    cd

My question here is that is there any way that i can
ask python to check a tuple is falls in the range of
other tuple. 

Also, members could u suggest more pythonian ways to
deal with this kind of problem.

thank you in advance


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