Fwd: [Tutor] Control flow

Orri Ganel singingxduck at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 23:22:35 CET 2005

Kent Johnson wrote:

> Bob Gailer wrote:
>> At 04:43 AM 1/29/2005, Liam Clarke wrote:
>>> < erk, to the list, to the List!>
>>> if ( bad_weather =='y' ):
>>>    # ask user only if weather is bad.
>>>    b = input ( "Weather is really bad, still go out to jog?[y/n]" )
>>>    if b == 'y':
>>>       go_jogging()
>>> Anyone else notice that he's never gonna go jogging if the weather 
>>> is bad?
>>> Unless I've got input() wrong, it only takes integers... ?
>>  From the docs:
>> input( [prompt])
>> Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)).
> So, it takes more than just integers, but it won't work the way the OP 
> expects:
>  >>> print input('Type something: ')
> Type something: 'spam ' * 4
> spam spam spam spam
>  >>> print input('Type something: ')
> Type something: y
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "<string>", line 0, in ?
> NameError: name 'y' is not defined
> -  because eval('y') looks for a variable named y
>  >>> print input('Type something: ')
> Type something: 'y'
> y
> It works with the quotes - it is evaluating a string literal
> raw_input() would work better.
> Kent
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Or you could just define a variable y and a variable n which equal "y" 
and "n", respectively. Using raw_input() is probably easier though.

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

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