[Tutor] Naming conventions (was: Should this be a list comprehension or something?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sat Jan 29 15:10:49 CET 2005




Liam Clarke wrote:
> Just please_don't_use_underscores. 
> They_make_my_eyes_go_funny_, _and_code_hard_to_read_in_my_opinion.
> _u_n_d_e_r_s_c_o_r_e_s_ _a_r_e__u_g_l_y_....
> I got out of the habit of using them really fast.
> Also, __ & _ tend to have special meaning in Python (which is bad
> enough as it is), so I don't use them for that reason as well.
> Liam Clarke
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 22:54:08 -0500, Jacob S. <keridee at jayco.net> wrote:
>>You're my best friend. Everyone else looves camelCase, and I hate it too. It
>>doesn't make sense. It doesn't fit English.
>>It doesn't fit Spanish. It doesn't fit any other language AFAIK, so why
>>should a human (who uses spoken language) to computer interpreter use a
>>naming convention that doesn't match spoken language? That's my opinion.
>>Jacob Schmidt

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