[Tutor] Re: sorting a 2 gb file- i shrunk it and turned it around

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Jan 28 15:20:22 CET 2005

Scott Melnyk wrote:
> Hello again!
> Thank you everyone for all the help.

Congratulations on getting this working!

> I can see where any of the chains appear more than once, which is good
> and I am looking for situations like first example where
> ENST00000339563.1 is the first and third on the list or the fifth
> example.
> Next step is to cut out the ENST lines that only show up once and wind
> up with just the places where there are matches at least twice to a
> given transcript (using the ENST00000...) ids.  Like in the final
> example I only want the first and third so I know it is twice in that
> transcript.

See the tutor thread "Unique items in lists" if you need help with this step, we just had an 
extensive discussion of how to do it.


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