[Tutor] Should this be a list comprehension or something?

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Fri Jan 28 05:47:01 CET 2005

Tony Meyer said unto the world upon 2005-01-27 21:46:
> [Sean Perry]
>>>And now, for the pedant in me. I would recommend against naming 
>>>functions with initial capital letters. In many languages, this 
>>>implies a new type (like your Water class). so 
>>>CombineWater should be combineWater.
> [Brian van den Broek]
>>Do you mean implies by the dominant coding conventions, or 
>>by language syntax? (Indulging the curious pedant in me.)
> You might want to read PEP 8, which is the official recommendations for
> Python code in terms of style.  A bit more than half way down there's a
> "Naming Conventions" section which has this:
> <http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0008.html>

<SNIP PEP quote>

> (BTW, 'CombineWater' should be 'combine_water', officially).
> =Tony.Meyer


thanks for the reference and to all else who've responded. I was just
curious about Sean's statement and wondered if there were languages
which enforced some naming scheme. (Sean pointed to Erlang, which I
don't think I'd heard of before.)

I am aware of PEP 8, and have read it a few times. I don't tend to
feel constrained by it though I do seem mostly in accord.  And,
judging by the code I've read, not feeling constrained by it seems
pretty widespread in the Python community.

I've only been writing classes for a month or so, and if I cannot get 
a good one word Name, I've been Naming_them_thusly. That works for me 
as I do always use names_with_underscores for functions. I don't 
really like them either, but, iLikeThe AlternativesEvenLess.

Oh wait, I know: let's all start writing code in MS Word .doc format! 
Arial for functions, Times New Roman for classes. Who's with me?  ;-)

Best to all,

Brian vdB

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