[Tutor] Re: Unique Items in Lists

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 27 09:43:40 CET 2005

Ok you got me thinking.  I used the same thing I posted before but 
created a one liner that as a side affect makes adict like before.
[adict.__setitem__(x,adict.get(x,0)+1) for x in l]

I think it's kinda funny and ugly, ohh and not particuarly clear
what it does.

Wolfram Kraus wrote:

> get(key, default) is your friend here:
>       for i in a_list:
>           items_dict[i] = items_dict.get(i, 0) + 1
> get() (and his "brother" setdefault()) are mighty

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