[Tutor] How would python messure up in performance?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Mon Jan 24 00:17:04 CET 2005

> How well would a multi user texed based game created in just Python
> run if there were over 300 - 400 players (Just a hypathetical
> question) Would python be to slow to handle that amount of traffic?

That depends entirely on how it was designed and what kind 
of hardware you ran it on. If you had a big mainframe or 
similar you could run 30000 users and it wouldn't be a 
problem. If you write a simple application and run it on 
an old 66MHZ 486PC then 3 users might be an issue!

We need a bit more info about what you have in mind I think.

Alan G

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