[Tutor] Posting a large amount of code?

Bill Burns billburns at pennswoods.net
Tue Jan 18 01:32:07 CET 2005

> > Actually according to the above paragraph, he suggests putting them
> all in
> > a seperate class. So pseudo-code...
> >
> > class Pipe:
> >     All things related to pipe program here.
> >
> > class GUI:

> Exactly so. The rationale for that was that you could work with
> a collection of pipes each with their own dimensions etc.
> I forgot to explain that part....

Alan, Jacob,Orri, Liam,

Thank you for your help! I appreciate it!!

Alan, as you had suggested in an earlier post, I will put the pipe into a
class of it's own. Actually I think I will make the command line version of
the program. Once I have that working, then I can look at putting a GUI
front-end on it. Like you said, 'Separating the GUI code from the logical
functions is always a good idea'. I had just never considered doing it that
way, what can I say, I'm just learning :-) It now makes complete sense to
have the two separate. I like the idea of having a command line version and
as you said, it would be easier to port to different GUI's.

Thanks again,


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