[Tutor] Posting a large amount of code?

Bill Burns billburns at pennswoods.net
Sun Jan 16 17:20:48 CET 2005

>  I guess my question is, would it be acceptable to post this much code to
>  the list?

> Probably about the limit for posting, but if you can put it on
> a web site somewhere and post a URL that would be fine...
Kent had made the same suggestion as well but alas I have no site I can post

> the body of the message or as an attachment? I would think an attachment
> would be better but then maybe attachments are not allowed on the list?

> Since there are several files attachments would make more sense
> but if only posting main.py (How big is it? Is that the 500 lines?
> If so its a biggish single module.) then inline is OK.
Yes, it is the 500+ line module and I've posted it inline in my reply to Kent.
Glad to hear that it's OK post since I've already sent it, D'oh! I guess like
the try, except idiom says, "It's better to ask for forgiveness, than ask
for permission." :-)

> I've probably been a little verbose with the comments in the code, but I
> figured if I post it and you don't have the GUI to go along with it, you
> could still get a feel for what the program is doing?

> That makes sense.
I'm glad to hear that! Hopefully that's what I've achieved.

Thank you for the feedback!


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