[Tutor] Intro for interfacing with Microsoft Access?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sat Jan 15 05:17:11 CET 2005

A couple of minutes of googling for 'python odbc' finds the ODBC driver that comes with win32all. It 
seems to have a fairly simple interface. The download from this page has an example: 


Terry Carroll wrote:
> Does anyone know of any online resource that explains how to interface to 
> Microsoft Access via Python, where the intended audience is someone who 
> knows Python, but not the Microsoft innards?
> I've found http://starship.python.net/crew/bwilk/access.html (which 
> doesn't work for me, and presumably is out of date) and 
> http://www.ecp.cc/pyado.html (which mostly works well enough, but assumes 
> you know Microsoft's Data Access Objects (DAO), and points to the 
> overwhelming Microsoft ADO API Reference.
> I don't want to do anything too fancy, just read data from my database, 
> make a few calculations and print some summaries obtained from it.  I know 
> Python, but not Access (it's my company's DB, not mine) or DAO. 
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