[Tutor] atof error

Max Noel maxnoel_fr at yahoo.fr
Tue Jan 11 21:31:04 CET 2005

On Jan 11, 2005, at 20:25, Mike Procario wrote:

> I got an unexpected error today using string.atof.
> ValueError: invalid literal for float(): -17,019.797
> To me -17,019.797 looks like a perfectly good floating point
> number. I cannot find documentation on what the allowed range is.

	The problem is not the range. It's the comma that's right in the 
middle of the number. Yuck.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

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