[Tutor] Modifying game of life

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Jan 10 20:48:47 CET 2005

      if randval > perc:
          EMPTY <= you don't need the lines like this, they don't do anything
          return EMPTY

And you can test for less-than-or-equal in one test
      elif randval <= perc:
          return PERSON

in fact since one of the tests has to be true you can just use else:

      if randval > perc:
          return EMPTY
          return PERSON


Kooser, Ara S wrote:
> Kent and Max. Thank you very much. It works fine now. 
> Ara
> perc = raw_input("Please enter a threshold between 0-1.  ")
> perc = float(perc)
> def percolation(perc):
>     randval = random.random()
>     print randval
>     PERSON, EMPTY = '*', '.'
>     if randval > perc:
>         EMPTY
>         return EMPTY
>     elif randval < perc:
>         PERSON
>         return PERSON
>     elif randval == perc:
>         PERSON
>         return PERSON
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