[Tutor] doctest

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sun Jan 2 09:30:49 CET 2005

> Also, anything I can do... Presently, since I'm running windows xp,
I would
> have to hunt for the command prompt and type in the command

Type cmd,
Hit OK


Or drag the icon from accessories into the start menu or to
the desktop.

> '"C:\python24\python.exe" "C:\documents and
> python programs\testmodules.py" -v'

Why not create a shortcut and add that to your right click menu?

Or to your desktop if you want - but I hate cluttered desktops!

> ...or make a batch file to do it for me...

A shortcut will suffice, a batch job is overkill for a one liner

Alan G.

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