[Tutor] O.T.

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Jan 2 08:39:01 CET 2005

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Anna Ravenscroft wrote:

> Anna Martelli Ravenscroft
> 42, 2 children (13 and 11) live with their dad
> Married this July to the martelli-bot (we read The Zen of Python at our
> wedding!). We currently live in Bologna, Italy.

Hi Anna,

Congratulations!  Say hi to Alex for me; it was a pleasure to see him a
few days ago in Palo Alto.

I'm 25 years old.  I don't have any children yet.  I'm currently working
at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and appear somewhere on the
staff page here:



I'm currently planning to run away from work, and attend graduate school
soon.  But I'll try not to disappear from Python-Tutor; it's been too much
fun for me to give it up.

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