[Tutor] O.T.

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Sat Jan 1 02:30:28 CET 2005

Jacob S. said unto the world upon 2004-12-27 16:31:
> I hate to sound weird...
> But who are you all, what are you're ages, what do you do, marriage
> status, etc? You obviously don't have to answer, I'm just curious who
> I'm boldly sending emails to.
> Jacob Schmidt
> P.S. I'm a student. 14 years. Play the piano better than I write
> scripts. Single. etc.

Hi all,

thanks for posting that, Jacob. Many things about the 'net are 
wonderful, but the relative anonymity isn't (always) among them!

I'm closing out 31, and as married as a consistent philosophical 
anarchist without present need of EU working papers can be ;-)

I'm Canadian, living in Montreal, and finishing up a PhD in the 
philosophy of logic. (So, I can clear a dinner-party in pretty good 
time.) The PhD thing leaves me with only Python and photography as 
hobbies. Came to Python via an ESR essay; its my sole programming 
language past some BASIC back in high-school.

While I've yet to explore python's logic related tools, it has been 
quite illuminating for my research interests to see recursion theory 'in 
action' rather than in the more purely abstract context that prevails in 
mathematical and philosophical treatments of logic.

Happy New Year, all,

Brian vdB

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