[Tutor] Trying out Tkinter with problems

Adam Cripps kabads at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 09:36:44 CET 2005

I'm trying out Tkinter as one of my first forays into GUI programming.
However, I'm having a couple of problems.

My intitial efforts can be seen at:
http://www.monkeez.org/code/python/tkinter/min.txt or here [1].

Firstly, I'm trying to grab the contents of Entry widget entry1 with a
StringVar and take that value to another function to print the value
to the command line. However, my function 'printentry' always runs
when the application is run, without the button being pressed. Then,
when I do press the button, the function isn't called. However, this
button is just the same as all the other buttons. Why is this?

Secondly, when I try to exit the app, the quit button doesn't kill the
root, window, but just the widgets. How do I reference the root window
and all, instead of just exiting the widgets?

TIA - Adam

PGP key: 0x7111B833


from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
import tkMessageBox

class Application(Frame):
	def __init__(self, master=None, geometry="500x200-10x10"):
		Frame.__init__(self, master)

	def createWidgets(self):
		largeFont = tkFont.Font(family = "Verdana",size= "18", weight="bold")
		arialFont = tkFont.Font(family="Arial", size="12", slant="italic")
		self.quitButton = Button(self, text="Quit", command = self.exiting,
font = largeFont )
		self.saveButton = Button(self, text = "save", command = self.save,
fg = "blue", activebackground="red")
		self.save1Button = Button(self, text = "save1", command = self.save,
		self.save3Button = Button(self, text = "save3", command = self.save,
state = DISABLED)
		#label = Label(self, text="This is the label text", font = arialFont)
		entry = Entry(self, text="Start here")
		# This is the entry that I'm trying to capture
		self.content = StringVar()
		entry1 = Entry(self, textvariable=self.content)
		entry1.grid(column="1", row="5")
		#And this is the button which will capture it. 
		self.save2Button = Button(self, text = "Submit", command=

		self.quitButton.grid(column=0, row=0)
		self.saveButton.grid(column=1, row = 0)
		self.save1Button.grid(column=2, row = 1)
		self.save2Button.grid(column=2, row = 5)
		self.save3Button.grid(column=4, row = 1)

		self.sexVar = StringVar()
		self.sex = Checkbutton (self, text = "Sex:", variable=self.sexVar,
onvalue="male", offvalue="female")
		self.sex.grid(column=0, row=6)

	def printentry(self, event):
		print "ok - the submit has been pressed - I need to get  it's value"
		#print "\n", event

	def save(event):
		print "This is a save"
		print "\n event is ", event

	def exiting(self):
		if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you really wish to quit?"):

app = Application()
app.master.title("Sample Application")

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