[Tutor] help with HTMLParseError

Sean Perry shaleh at speakeasy.net
Fri Feb 18 11:03:32 CET 2005

Peter Kim wrote:
> I'm using HTMLParser.py to parse XHTML and invalid tag is throwing an
> exception.  How do I handle this?
> 1. Below is the faulty markup.  Notice the missing >.  Both Firefox
> and IE6 correct automatically but HTMLParser is less forgiving.  My
> code has to be able to treat this gracefully because I don't have
> control over the XHTML source.
> ###/
> <A NAME='anchor'</a>
> /###

what you want is to encapsulate check_for_whole_start_tag() in your own 
parser class. Call the parent's version, if it returns -1, do some fuzzy 
logic (well, maybe if I add a '>', now does it work?), and continue.

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