[Tutor] SQL Datetimes

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Tue Feb 15 11:54:13 CET 2005

Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Bill Kranec wrote:
>>I'm using Kinterbasdb to access a Firebird database through Python, and
>>when I retrieve a row with a datetime value, I get a tuple like:
>> >>> myCursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table' )
>> >>> for row in myCursor.fetchall():
>>        print row
>>(<DateTime object for '2004-08-09 00:00:00.00' at d41720>, 'value2',
>>'value3', 'value4', 100)
>>I would like to get:
>>('8/9/2004', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 100)
> Hi Bill,
> Just out of curiosity, can you work with the datetime object itself?  It
> sounds like you want it to come out as a string, but that's somewhat
> "lossy" because we lose things like the 'time' portion of a datetime.

I'll second that suggestion...what is it you need to do with the date object?

Another alternative would be to change the database field to a string field, if that is really what 
you want. This may open it up to bad data, though.

> According to the documentation here:
>     http://www.python.org/doc/lib/datetime-datetime.html

Note that by default Kinterbasdb is using mxDateTime, not Python's (now) standard datetime, to 
represent the date. Docs for mxDateTime are here:

There is an example on the page originally cited that shows how to use Python's datetime instead of 
mxDateTime if you prefer.
scroll down until you get to the first example.


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