[Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue

Max Noel maxnoel_fr at yahoo.fr
Thu Feb 10 09:27:38 CET 2005

On Feb 10, 2005, at 05:43, Johan Geldenhuys wrote:

>  I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
>  Care to explain that a little?

	Usually, we use base 10 numbers, that is, numbers that can be 
represented with 10 symbols (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
	Binary, or base 2, represents all the numbers with only 2 symbols (0 
and 1), whereas octal (base 8) uses 8 (0 to 7) and hexadecimal (base 
16) uses 16 (0 to 9 then A to F).

	In binary, 0b10 = 2, and 0b100 = 4.
	In octal, 010 = 8 and 0100 = 64.
	In hexadecimal, 0x10 = 16 and 0x100 = 256.

	Is that clearer now?

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

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