[Tutor] help

james middendorff james2dope at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 05:35:39 CET 2005

I want to use mysqldb to add people into a database,
but when I ask for the certain fields like Name,
PhoneNumber and such, I cannot get it to put them in
as a string? I am not sure what I am doing wrong but
here is my code thanks to anyone who helps:
import MySQLdb

username = raw_input("what is your username? ")
password = raw_input("what is the password? ")
database = raw_input("what database do you want to
enter? ")
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',
user=username, passwd=password, db=database)

c = conn.cursor()

Name = raw_input("what is the name you want to add? ")
PhoneNumber = input("what is the phone number for the
person you are adding? ")
Address = raw_input("what is the address for the
person you are adding? ")
EmailAddress = raw_input("what is the email address of
the person you are adding? ")
BirthDate = raw_input("what is the birthdate of the
person you are adding? year-month-day")

c.execute ("""
            INSERT INTO people ()
           """)% (Name, PhoneNumber, Address,
EmailAddress, BirthDate)
print "%d rows were inserted" % c.rowcount

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