[Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability

kevin parks kp8 at mac.com
Wed Feb 2 03:42:13 CET 2005

Tremendously helpful!!!! One question though. How can i pluck a unique 
item from my exhaustive list of permutations without repeats making 
sure that each one is used once? Like filling a bag, shaking it, and 
then picking from the bag and removing that item from the bag so it 
isn't used again....


On Feb 1, 2005, at 8:58 PM, tutor-request at python.org wrote:

> f you had a randomizeList function and a stutterList function then 
> your top-level function would
> look like this:
> permutations = permute(['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green'])
> permutations = [ randomizeList(list) for list in permutations ]
> permutations = [ stutterList(list) for list in permutations ]
> In other words you start with the basic permutations, then apply the 
> randomize function to each
> permutation, then apply the stutter function.
> The randomizeList function should walk through the list, find the 
> right randomize list for that list
> element (a dict could help with that - look up the list element and 
> get the randomize list), and
> build a new list with the randomized values.
> The stutterList function walks through the list building a new list 
> with possibly repeated elements.
> HTH,
> Kent

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