[Tutor] Malformed CSV

Jan Eden lists at janeden.org
Fri Dec 2 16:55:58 CET 2005

Kent Johnson wrote on 02.12.2005:

>Jan Eden wrote:
>>I guess I need to notify the engineer responsible for the CSV
>>output and have the quoting corrected.
>If that is possible it is a much better solution. I hate to hack
>around bad data - much better to correct the source of the data if

>In fact you may have little choice if you want to use the CSV module
>- for example what if the first field has commas and quotes? Could
>you have a line like this? ""hotel", "budapest",
>BTW do you really have doubled quotes in all the hotel fields, or
>just the one with quotes? The data in your original post is
Yes, and that's the source of my problem: The data is based on user input to Google, which tends to be extremely inconsistent. Users seem to use any kind of absurd quoting, like

hotel" "miami"

Thanks again,

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