[Tutor] Importingf a List from Module

Tom Strickland tlinux at comcast.net
Sun Aug 28 17:17:29 CEST 2005

Tom Strickland wrote:

>>Here are the modules in question:
> ####This is the main.py module
> #!/usr/bin/python2.4
> import enterData
> import movAvg
> smavg=[]
> xy=enterData.close
> print xy[0]   
> smavg = movAvg.sma(20,enterData.close)
> emavg=[]
> emavg=movAvg.ema(20,enterData.close)
> import stoResults
> stoResults.store(enterData.date, enterData.close,smavg,emavg)
> print "Finished"
> ######This is the enterData.py module
> ##!/usr/bin/python2.4
> input = open('/home/tom/Python/Input/SPY2.csv', 'r')
> s = input
> date =[]
> open = []
> close = []
> hi = []
> lo = []
> vol = []
> for s in input:
>     s = s[:-2]
>     y =[]
>     y = s.split(',')
>     date.append(y[0])
>     open.append(float(y[1]))
>     hi.append(float(y[2]))
>     lo.append(float(y[3]))
>     close.append(float(y[4]))
>     vol.append(float(y[5]))
> input.close()
> for i in range(5):
>     print close[i]
> print 'enterData.py'
> *********************************************************************************************************************************** 
>>Message: 7
>>Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 22:27:23 -0500
>>From: Tom Strickland <tlinux at comcast.net>
>>Subject: [Tutor] Importing a List from Module
>>To: tutor at python.org
>>Message-ID: <43112F1B.9030602 at comcast.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>I have a module called "enterData" which generates a list, "close" from 
>>a data file. "close" is a list of floats. When I put a print statement 
>>in that module it will print out an individual member of the list. For 
>>    print close[0]
>>prints the first member of the list.
>>In my "main" module I import "enterData" and try to read the first 
>>element of "close" as follows:
>>    import enterData
>>    xy=enterData.close
>>    print xy[0]   
>>When I do this it prints out the entire "close" list, not just the first 
>>What's my mistake and how do I correct it?
>>Thank you!
>>Message: 8
>>Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 00:15:15 -0400
>>From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net>
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Importing a List from Module
>>Cc: tutor at python.org
>>Message-ID: <43113A53.2010308 at tds.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>Tom Strickland wrote:
>>>I have a module called "enterData" which generates a list, "close" from 
>>>a data file. "close" is a list of floats. When I put a print statement 
>>>in that module it will print out an individual member of the list. For 
>>>    print close[0]
>>>prints the first member of the list.
>>>In my "main" module I import "enterData" and try to read the first 
>>>element of "close" as follows:
>>>    import enterData
>>>    xy=enterData.close
>>>    print xy[0]   
>>>When I do this it prints out the entire "close" list, not just the first 
>>>What's my mistake and how do I correct it?
>>What you have shown here looks fine to me. Can you show some more of enterData?
>>Message: 9
>>Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 21:25:36 -0700
>>From: Byron <byron at christianfreebies.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Importing a List from Module
>>To: Tom Strickland <tlinux at comcast.net>, tutor at python.org
>>Message-ID: <43113CC0.9050200 at christianfreebies.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>Tom Strickland wrote:
>>>In my "main" module I import "enterData" and try to read the first 
>>>element of "close" as follows:
>>>    import enterData
>>>    xy=enterData.close
>>>    print xy[0]   
>>>When I do this it prints out the entire "close" list, not just the first 
>>Hi Tom,
>>I would create a function in your module that returns the list.  Here's 
>>a quick, simplified example:
>>def returnList():
>>	newList = []
>>	newList += [123.45]
>>	newList += [529.59]
>>	newList += [259.92]
>>	return newList
>>aList = returnList()
>>print aList
>>Note the return statement...  This enables assignment, as you have done 
>>in "xy=enterData.returnList()"
>>Hope this helps,
>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
>>End of Tutor Digest, Vol 18, Issue 106

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