[Tutor] i18n on Entry widgets

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Aug 18 13:33:14 CEST 2005

I got it working with a utf-8 query by adding an Accept-Charset header to the request. I used the 'Tamper Data' add-on to Firefox to view all the request headers being sent by the browser. I added all the same headers to the Python request and it worked. Then I took out the headers until I found the needed one. Here is a stripped-down version of your code that posts a word encoded in utf-8 and gets the correct response. I also changed the post parameters a little to match what I am seeing in my browser:

import re, urllib, urllib2

__where = [ re.compile(r'name=\"q\">([^<]*)'),
           re.compile(r'td bgcolor=white>([^<]*)'),
           re.compile(r'td bgcolor=white class=s><div style=padding:10px;>([^<]*)'),

phrase = 'ent\xc3\xa3o'
params = urllib.urlencode( { 'doit' : 'done',
                            'tt' : 'urltext',
                            'trtext' : phrase,
                            'intl' : 1,
                            'lp' : 'pt_en' } )
print "URL encoding ", params

req = urllib2.Request('http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/tr')

req.add_header('Accept-Charset', 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7')

response = urllib2.urlopen(req, params)

html = response.read()
for regex in __where:
   match = regex.search(html)
   if match: 
    print match.group(1)
    print "ERROR MATCHING"
    print html


Kent Johnson wrote:
> OK this is actually starting to make sense :-) Here is what I think is happening:
> You get different results in the IDE and the console because they are using different encodings. The IDE is using utf-8 so the params are encoded in utf-8. The console is using latin-1 and you get encoded latin-1 params.
> When you use babelfish from the browser it gets a page in utf-8 and sends the parameters back the same way, but probably with a header saying it is utf-8. When you use urllib you don't tell it the encoding so it is assuming latin-1, that's why the interpreter version works.
> So in your GUI version if you get utf-8 from the GUI, you can convert it to latin-1 by
> phrase.decode('utf-8').encode('latin-1') as long as your text can be expressed in latin-1. If you need utf-8 then you have to figure out how to tell babelfish that you are sending utf-8.
> Kent
> PS please reply to the list not to me personally.
> Jorge Louis de Castro wrote:
>>Thanks again,
>>I'm sorry to be such a PITB but this is driving me insane! the code 
>>below easily connects to babelfish and returns a translated string.
>>__where = [ re.compile(r'name=\"q\">([^<]*)'),
>>           re.compile(r'td bgcolor=white>([^<]*)'),
>>           re.compile(r'td bgcolor=white class=s><div 
>>           re.compile(r'<\/strong><br>([^<]*)')
>>def clean(text):
>>   return ' '.join(string.replace(text.strip(), "\n", ' ').split())
>>def translateByCode(phrase, from_code, to_code):
>>   phrase = clean(phrase)
>>   params = urllib.urlencode( { 'BabelFishFrontPage' : 'yes',
>>                                'doit' : 'done',
>>                                'urltext' : phrase,
>>                                'lp' : from_code + '_' + to_code } )
>>   print "URL encoding ", params
>>   try:
>>       response = 
>>urllib.urlopen('http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/tr', params)
>>   except IOError, what:
>>       print "ERRROR TRANSLATING ", what
>>   except:
>>       print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
>>   html = response.read()
>>   for regex in __where:
>>       match = regex.search(html)
>>       if match: break
>>   if not match: print "ERROR MATCHING"
>>   return clean(match.group(1))
>>if __name__ == '__main__':
>>   print translateByCode('então', 'pt', 'en')
>>If I run this through the Run option on the IDE I get the following output:
>>URL encoding  doit=done&urltext=ent%C3%A3o&BabelFishFrontPage=yes&lp=pt_en
>>If I import this module on the interpreter and then call
>>print translateByCode('então', 'en', 'pt')
>>I get:
>>URL encoding  doit=done&urltext=ent%E3o&BabelFishFrontPage=yes&lp=pt_en
>>Now the urllib encoding of the urltext IS different ("ent%C3%A3o" VS 
>>"ent%E3o") even though I'm passing the same stuff!
>>And this works fine except when I use special characters and I don't 
>>know how to use the utf-8 encoding to get this working -i know altavista 
>>uses utf-8 because they also translate chinese.
>>Thanks again and sorry for the blurb but i ran out of solutions for this 
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