[Tutor] How can I make this run right?

Simon Gerber nequeo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 09:48:58 CEST 2005

I'd do it like this... And there's probably an even quicker way, if
you really sat down and thought about it.

n = int(raw_input("Number: "))
x = n-1
while x > 1:
    n *=x
    x -=1
print n

The reason why it isn't working is because of
while x > 1:
        x -= 1
When your program hits this point it stays in the while loop,
subtracting 1 from x each time, but not multiplying anything anymore,
until it hits break. So your program does this.

Number: 4
n = 5
x = 4
t = 20
x = 3
x = 2
x = 1


On 15/08/05, Nathan Pinno <falcon3166 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> The following code is supposed to take in a number, and print number!:
> n = int(raw_input("Number: "))
> x = n-1
> while 1:
>     t = n*x
>     while x > 1:
>         x -= 1
>     else:
>         break
> print t
> Why isn't it working, and how can I make it print out the correct output?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nathan
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