[Tutor] pls. help me in sorting and choosing

jfouhy@paradise.net.nz jfouhy at paradise.net.nz
Thu Aug 11 07:34:47 CEST 2005

Quoting Srinivas Iyyer <srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com>:

> 2. I know how to read a tab delim txt file as list but
> not into the tupeles. Apologies for my inexperience. 

How are you currently reading the file? --- can you show us some code?

You can create tuples directly.  For example:

>>> x = 3
>>> y = 7
>>> t = (x, y)
>>> t
(3, 7)


>>> squares = []
>>> for i in range(10):
...  squares.append((i, i**2))   # Note the double parentheses!
>>> squares
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25), (6, 36), (7, 49), (8, 64),
(9, 81)]

You can read more about tuples in the python tutorial; section 5.3.
(see http://www.python.org/)


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