[Tutor] a dictionary method good for this process

Srinivas Iyyer srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 19:34:00 CEST 2005

Dear group:

I have two lists and I have to match the element in
the first list to element in second list and print the
line from second list:

listA =['apple','baby','cat']
listB =['fruit\tapple','tree\tapple','fruit\tmango',

I have to take apple, search in listB and print

fruit  apple
tree apple
infant baby
human baby
animal cat
tiger cat

I am doing it this way:

for i in listA:
   for m in listB:
        cols = m.split('\t')
        term = cols[2]
        if i == term:
           print m

this is very time consuming.

Because the two columns in listB are redundant I am
unable to do a dict method.

The other way could be using a reg.ex method (which I
did not try yet because the script written based on
equality is still running.

for i in listA:
       pat = re.compile(i)
       for m in listB:
             cols = m.split('\t')
             terms = cols[1]
             if pat.match(terms):
                     print m

Experts, could you please suggest any other method
which is fast and does the job correctly. 

Thank you.


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