[Tutor] Please help

Srinivas Iyyer srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 3 15:38:58 CEST 2005

sorry for repost.

Hello group:

I have a file (3339203 lines) that looks like this:

(col:1)    (col:2)     (col:3)
            XXXXX       XXXXX
            Xaaaa       Xaaaa
            Xbbbb       Xbbbb

            YYYYY       YYYYY
            Yaaaa       Yaaaa

Now I have to fill the rows in column 1 with their
designated stuff:

AD134KL     XXXXX       XXXXX
AD134KL     Xaaaa       Xaaaa
AD134KL     Xbbbb       Xbbbb
AD144KL     YYYYY       YYYYY
AD144KL     Yaaaa       Yaaaa

My code: 

f1 = open('xx','r')
meat = f1.readlines()

mind = []

for i in range(len(meat)):
      if meat[i].startswith('AD'):

mind = [0,4]

for i in range(len(mind)):
      k = i+1
      l = mind[i]+1
      j = mind[k]-1
      print l,j

1 3

Logic: Now I want to substitute 'AD134KL' between 0
and 4 which is 1,2,and 3.  and move on..

After getting the idexes of blank rows between two AD*
as a list, I lost grip and I cannot think of what
should be done next

Is this a good way to solve it . or is there any other
easy way

Can experts help me please. 

thank you

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