[Tutor] Help with this script

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sat Apr 23 21:06:43 CEST 2005

> should display the relevant menu. My first menu comes on but if I
select "b"
> or "c" the script does not run. The error message points out that
> "print_options()" or "print_options_2()" are not defined. Could
> point me into the right direction, thanks.

Thats because you define them after you call task_options().
So when task_options runs you haven't defined the functions
it is trying to call.

Put the code that actually calls your functions at the very end of the

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> #By J Carmona
> #Programme that compute volumes or surfaces
> ##First menu is for the calculation of area
> ##Second menu is for the calculation of volume
> ##First ask the user what he wants to do
> running = True
> def area_rect():
>         length = input("Length: ")
>         width = input ("Width: ")
>         print "The area is: ",length*width
> def area_circ():
>         radius = input("What is the radius?: ")
>         print "The area is approximately: ", 3.14159*(radius**2)
> def area_squ():
>         side = input ("What is the length of one side?: ")
>         print "The area is: ", side*side
> def area_tgle():
>         base = input ("What is the base of the triangle?: ")
>         heigth = input ("What is the heigth of the triangle?: ")
>         print "The area is: ",base*heigth/2
> def vol_sph():
>         radius = input("What is the radius?: ")
>         print "The volume is: ", (4*3.14159*radius**3)/3
> def vol_cube():
>         side = input("Side: ")
>         print "The volume is: ",side**3
> def vol_box():
>         width = input ("What is the width of the box?: ")
>         length = input ("What is the length of the box?: ")
>         depth = input ("What is the depth of the box?: ")
>         print "The volume is: ", width*length*depth
> def vol_cone():
>         radius = input ("What is the radiux of the base of the
cone?: ")
>         heigth = input ("What is the heigth of the cone?: ")
>         print "The volume is: ", (1/3)(3.144159*(radius**2))(heigth)
> def task_options():
>         print "---------------------------------------"
>         print "Options:"
>         print "a. Print options: "
>         print "b. Do you want to calculate areas?: "
>         print "c. Do you want to calculate volumes?: "
>         print "d. Quit the programme"
>         print "---------------------------------------"
>         choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
>         if choice == 'a':
>             print task_options()
>         elif choice == 'b':
>             print print_options()
>         elif choice == 'c':
>             print print_options_2()
>         elif choice == 'd':
>             running = False
> print task_options()
> def print_options():
>         print "------------------------------"
>         print "Options:"
>         print "a. print options"
>         print "b. calculate circle area"
>         print "c. calculate square area"
>         print "d. calculate rectangle area"
>         print "e. calculate triangle area"
>         print "f. quit the programme"
>         print "------------------------------"
>         choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
>         if choice == 'a':
>             print_options()
>         elif choice == 'b':
>             area_circ()
>         elif choice == 'c':
>             area_squ()
>         elif choice == 'd':
>             area_rect()
>         elif choice == 'e':
>             area_tgle()
>         elif choice == 'f':
>                 print_options()
> #Call starting menu
> print_options()
> def print_options_2():
>         print "------------------------------"
>         print "Options:"
>         print "a. print options"
>         print "b. calculate the volume of a sphere"
>         print "c. calculate the volume of a cube"
>         print "d. calculate the volume of a box"
>         print "e. calculate the volume of a cone"
>         print "f. quit the programme"
>         print "------------------------------"
>         choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
>         if choice == 'a':
>             print_options()
>         elif choice == 'b':
>             vol_sph()
>         elif choice == 'c':
>             vol_cube()
>         elif choice == 'd':
>             vol_box()
>         elif choice == 'e':
>             vol_cone()
>         elif choice == 'e':
>             print_options()
> #Call starting menu
> print_options()
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> JC

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