[Tutor] Help with this script

John Carmona jeannot18 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 23 14:58:13 CEST 2005

Hi guys, I am back from my hols.

Jacob S gave me this little exercise to do a little while ago.

1) Make a program to compute the areas of several figures. Make it display a 
menu on startup,         ask for a choice, and then compute the area of the 
figure chosen by asking for dimensions.

2) Make another script similiar to #1 using volumes instead of areas

I have decided to merge the 2 scripts. First I should have a menu asking me 
if I want to compute areas or volumes. Then depending on the choice it 
should display the relevant menu. My first menu comes on but if I select "b" 
or "c" the script does not run. The error message points out that 
"print_options()" or "print_options_2()" are not defined. Could somebody 
point me into the right direction, thanks.

#By J Carmona
#Programme that compute volumes or surfaces
##First menu is for the calculation of area
##Second menu is for the calculation of volume

##First ask the user what he wants to do
running = True

def area_rect():
        length = input("Length: ")
        width = input ("Width: ")
        print "The area is: ",length*width

def area_circ():
        radius = input("What is the radius?: ")
        print "The area is approximately: ", 3.14159*(radius**2)

def area_squ():
        side = input ("What is the length of one side?: ")
        print "The area is: ", side*side

def area_tgle():
        base = input ("What is the base of the triangle?: ")
        heigth = input ("What is the heigth of the triangle?: ")
        print "The area is: ",base*heigth/2

def vol_sph():
        radius = input("What is the radius?: ")
        print "The volume is: ", (4*3.14159*radius**3)/3

def vol_cube():
        side = input("Side: ")
        print "The volume is: ",side**3

def vol_box():
        width = input ("What is the width of the box?: ")
        length = input ("What is the length of the box?: ")
        depth = input ("What is the depth of the box?: ")
        print "The volume is: ", width*length*depth

def vol_cone():
        radius = input ("What is the radiux of the base of the cone?: ")
        heigth = input ("What is the heigth of the cone?: ")
        print "The volume is: ", (1/3)(3.144159*(radius**2))(heigth)

def task_options():
        print "---------------------------------------"
        print "Options:"
        print "a. Print options: "
        print "b. Do you want to calculate areas?: "
        print "c. Do you want to calculate volumes?: "
        print "d. Quit the programme"
        print "---------------------------------------"
        choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
        if choice == 'a':
            print task_options()
        elif choice == 'b':
            print print_options()
        elif choice == 'c':
            print print_options_2()
        elif choice == 'd':
            running = False
print task_options()

def print_options():
        print "------------------------------"
        print "Options:"
        print "a. print options"
        print "b. calculate circle area"
        print "c. calculate square area"
        print "d. calculate rectangle area"
        print "e. calculate triangle area"
        print "f. quit the programme"
        print "------------------------------"
        choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
        if choice == 'a':
        elif choice == 'b':
        elif choice == 'c':
        elif choice == 'd':
        elif choice == 'e':
        elif choice == 'f':
#Call starting menu

def print_options_2():
        print "------------------------------"
        print "Options:"
        print "a. print options"
        print "b. calculate the volume of a sphere"
        print "c. calculate the volume of a cube"
        print "d. calculate the volume of a box"
        print "e. calculate the volume of a cone"
        print "f. quit the programme"
        print "------------------------------"
        choice = raw_input("Choose an option: ")
        if choice == 'a':
        elif choice == 'b':
        elif choice == 'c':
        elif choice == 'd':
        elif choice == 'e':
        elif choice == 'e':
#Call starting menu


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