[Tutor] Tracking URL in browser location bar

Gautam Saha gsaha at imsa.edu
Fri Apr 22 18:55:38 CEST 2005


A newbie here..I was wondering if python can help me to track the URL in
browser (IE6+, FF, Mozilla) location bar.

What I want is to get each URL from the the browser location bar, as 
user clicks from
links to link  in the web (or types an URL) and store it in  a flat file 
and flag some how
the entry page url for all my clicks.
If I open a new page (via a bookmark or type the url) it will then flag 
the 1st page again
and keep a record of all the pages I visits afterwards (so that I can 
create a tree).

1.Can it be done easily?
2. Can it be done for each browser (mainly IE6+, FF, Mozilla) ?

Primarily the program will be sitting in the user's PC (Windows based) 
and keep everything
locally. It would be ideal if it is platform and browser independent.

I really have no clue if we can do this. Any help in the right direction 
or  a general discussion
on a solution is greatly appreciated.



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