[Tutor] Weird import problem with PythonIDE on Mac (was 'import problem')

Chris Smith smichr at bigfoot.com
Thu Apr 21 06:15:35 CEST 2005

On Tuesday, Apr 19, 2005, Lee Cullens wrote:

> I assume you mean PythonIDE for Python 2.3 (I usually use 2.4 and 
> WingIDE).  Here it is (indents screwed up with var font):
> HTH,
> Lee C
>> import timeit
>> def y1():
>> 	print ’y1 executed’
>> def y2():
>> 	print ’y2 executed’
>> for f in [y1,y2]:
>> 	name = f.__name__
>> 	print name; f()
>> 	t=timeit.Timer(’%s()’ % name, ’from __main__ import %s’ % name)
>> 	print t.timeit(1)

I wrote this yesterday....
Well, how bizarre! Now I run the code again (after having restarted the 
PythonIDE) and now I can't get it to NOT work.  And it previously had 
not run for many tries.

I don't suppose this is some sort of quantum effect ;-)

Oh well, I'll keep my eyes open to see if this happens again.

And now today, the problem is back again :-(  What's going on? Here is 
a smaller code:

def y1():
	print 'y1 executed'
for f in [y1]:
	name = f.__name__
	s1 = '%s()' % name
	s2 = 'from __main__ import %s' % name
	t=timeit.Timer(s1, s2)
	print t.timeit(1)

Here is the full report from the traceback window {it's great to be 
able to cut and paste from that window, thanks Just}

ImportError: cannot import name y1

Traceback (innermost last)

File "<Untitled Script 1>", line 10, in ?
File "timeit.py", line 158, in timeit
       return self.inner(it, self.timer)
File "<timeit-src>", line 3, in inner

** If I click on the edit button it says that <timeit-src> cannot be 
found. Is this an error to pay attention to or is that an unrelated 
problem of trying to browse a (perhaps compiled) source file?

Here is what I've tried to reproduce the problem:

1) I have restarted the system (10.2.8) and run nothing but this script 
and still get the error.
2) removed my PythonStartup and sitecustomize.py codes after quitting; 
problem still persists
3) re-installed MacPython 2.3.3 after moving the old version's 
macPython 2.3.3 folder to the desktop
4) I have tried running the script in the add with and without the "run 
as __main__" option.

I DO NOT have the error show up when I run the script through the 
Terminal (i.e. %python timeitproblem.py).

I also DO NOT have the problem if I run the script with PyOXIDE.

As noted yesterday, there are some unknown steps that make the problem 
go away, though I do not know what these are yet.

Does anyone else have any insights?


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