[Tutor] crash - switching between text window and graphics/gamewindow (high score)

jfouhy at paradise.net.nz jfouhy at paradise.net.nz
Thu Apr 21 02:05:31 CEST 2005

Quoting "D. Hartley" <denise.hartley at gmail.com>:

> The play file does end in ".py". I am running it on Windows. You can
> double-click the play file, and run it straight that way, which is
> when the crash occurs. If you right click the file, go to "edit in
> IDLE", and hit F5 to run it, the crash does NOT happen. I'm not sure
> why (but this is also why my debugging program won't tell me what's
> wrong).

I haven't been following this thread, so apologies in advance if this is
something you've already done ---

Have you tried running the program from a command prompt?  To do this, go to
Start-->Run and type 'cmd'.  Then change to the directory with your script in it
('cd ' followed by the full directory path), and run the script by typing
'python ' followed by the script name.
(you may need to type something like 'c:\python24\python ' instead, if python is
not in your path)

The effect of this is that, when the program crashes, you will be left with a
window showing you (hopefully) some useful error messages.


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