[Tutor] unrelated sound error - pygame, or other?

D. Hartley denise.hartley at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 00:18:17 CEST 2005

Another quick question.  I tried to send a file to my friend to test
it out, and it gave her the following sound-related error:

Cannot load sound: data\explode2.wav

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Python24\play w paused screen residue.py", line 495, in -toplevel-
    playing = main()
  File "D:\Python24\play w paused screen residue.py", line 318, in main 
    explode = load_sound("explode2.wav")
  File "D:\Python24\play w paused screen residue.py", line 52, in load_sound
    raise SystemExit, message
SystemExit: Mix_LoadWAV_RW with NULL src 

I can tell this is a sound problem, and I thought then that maybe she
hadnt installed pygame or had done it wrong, but she says it's in
there.  This hasnt happened on either of my machines, or a machine at
another friend's house (where I have been working on it too).  Any of
you encounter this problem before, or know what it is?

Thanks again!


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