[Tutor] high score list error and displaying text in the game/graphics window

D. Hartley denise.hartley at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 00:14:49 CEST 2005

Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your help/ideas for the high score list. I managed to
get one working! Well, almost ;)

It runs in the text (python) window, behind the graphics window. when
you dont make the high score list, it displays a "sorry" message, and
you can keep playing (i.e., hit y/n for a new game).

however if you DO make the high score list, there's a problem.  It
prompts you for your name (in the text window), and then displays the
high score list, just like it should.  But then when you click to the
game window to say y/n for another game, it all closes! (this is
double-clicking on the "play.py" icon).  If I open the doc in IDLE and
then hit F5, it'll let me click back to the game window and hit y/n to
play again, but I dont know why it's crashing the other way.  I've
attached the code file.  Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Alternately,  I'd LOVE to get the game to display all of the text
window messages (and ask for input if the user makes the high score
list) in the game/graphics window, NOT the text window. can anyone
tell me how to do this? it's using pygame.  I'd like to do it that way
anyway, and then also it would solve the problem of clicking back and
forth between the game screen and the python/text window.

Any ideas?



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