Fwd: [Tutor] "paused" graphic leaves a 'residue' when returning to game?

D. Hartley denise.hartley at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 22:12:23 CEST 2005

Yes, I am using pygame. Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liam Clarke <cyresse at gmail.com>
Date: Apr 16, 2005 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] "paused" graphic leaves a 'residue' when returning to game?
To: "D. Hartley" <denise.hartley at gmail.com>, "tutor at python.org"
<tutor at python.org>

Hi Denise, 

Are you using Pygame?

On 4/15/05, D. Hartley <denise.hartley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Another quick question:
> I can pause and unpause the little game I created, and I have a
> graphic to display over top of the game screen when it is paused,
> which tells the user which key to press to unpause, right?  It's set 
> up the same way as my "game over" graphic.  But in any case, when I
> unpause, it leaves this "residue" of the "paused" text on the game
> screen. the moving game characters move over it and sort of wipe it 
> out, but I have no idea why it's there or how to clear it!
> Has anyone else encountered a problem like this before? I can post the
> specific code if that would be helpful.  I've tried to clear the
> screen, refresh, etc., and since the pause screen uses the same code 
> as the game over screen I figured the former should not leave a
> residue if the latter does not.  Any suggestions for things to try
> out, to fix this?
> Thanks a ton!
> ~Denise
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