[Tutor] displaying images

Diana Hawksworth dianahawks at optusnet.com.au
Mon Apr 18 02:55:43 CEST 2005

Hello list!  I am working through "Programming Python" by Mark Lutz. I am puzzled by the following script - as I am not certain what the "../gifs/" means, even though Lutz explains it by saying it is the reference for a GIF stored  "in another directory". I have tried to adapt it - using my own files, but cannot figure out where to store the files I am using.  I have even tried using the full path name for my files without success.  

Can anyone tell me what the line means, please?  Cheers. Diana

gifdir = "../gifs/"
from Tkinter import *
win = Tk()
igm = PhotoImage(file=gifdir+"ora-pp.gif")
Button(win, image = igm).pack()
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