[Tutor] Has anyone ever tried to convert the textual output of thedis module to another language

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Sun Apr 17 05:43:58 CEST 2005

>> Just curious. Googling for 'python "dis module" convert "another
>> language" ' only got two hits. So maybe no one is trying it? I was
>> just daydreaming about a native python compiler, and wondered how
>> feasible it would be.

> I hope that your true google search string doesn't contain the two single
> quote on the outside...

Nope. That was just to set it off from the rest of the sentence in the

> So basically any website that contains 'dis module', which stands for what
> by that way?

It's python's included disassembler for its own virtual machine. It's
interesting to play around with. Try:

import dis
dis.dis(name of some function you def'd in your program)


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