[Tutor] high score lists

Chris Smith smichr at bigfoot.com
Sat Apr 16 05:21:51 CEST 2005

On Friday, Apr 15, 2005, at 20:40 America/Chicago, Jacob S. - 
keridee at jayco.net wrote:

> Great.  len is a function though. Why use a second layer of function 
> when len is a function in itself?
>>>> l = ['d','sea','bee']
>>>> l.sort(key=len)
>>>> l
> ['d', 'bee', 'sea']
LOL :-) Oooh, that's nice! OK, instead of wasting a post in admiration, 
how about something else that is a possibility since sort() is stable:

 >>> l = ['d','sea','bee']
 >>> l.sort() #get them in lexical order
 >>> l
['bee', 'd', 'sea']
 >>> l.sort(key=len) #now get similar lengths together
 >>> l
['d', 'bee', 'sea']


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