[Tutor] Contructor Overloading and Function Tooktips

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Sat Apr 16 00:21:41 CEST 2005

Gooch, John said unto the world upon 2005-04-15 18:03:
> I have a couple of questions:
> Is there a way to create multiple __init__ routines in a Python Class?

Hi John,

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Could be me, or could be the 
question. :-)

> Secondly, I cannot remember how to make it so that when you start typing in
> a defined function name, it pops up a tooltip showing the functions syntax.
> 	ex: def delRecord( some params ):
> 	dr = delRecord()
> 	dr.someCommand( <-- tooltip popups up here

Many Python-aware editors use the first line of the docstring to 
construct the tooltip:

def silly():
     '''This will be the tooltip.

     This will be more documentation.'''


Brian vdB

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