[Tutor] str.split and quotes

Liam Clarke cyresse at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:05:36 CEST 2005

Hi Marilyn, 

Before you get numerous suggestions to use regexes (which was my first idea), 
you could use the split method to do it - 

>>> q = 'Hi "Python Tutors" please help'
>>> w = q.split('\"')
>>> print w
['Hi ', 'Python Tutors', ' please help']

I'm splitting using a double speech mark as the argument, which I've expressed 
as \" which is a hangover from regexes.

But, there are limitations to that -

>>> x = 'Hi "Python Tutors" how " are you?'
>>> print x.split('\"')
['Hi ', 'Python Tutors', ' how ', ' are you?']

It won't differentiate between an item between two speech marks, or one.

So, a regex method could be - 

>>> import re 
>>> j = re.compile('\"(.*?)\"', re.IGNORECASE)
>>> q = 'Hi "Python Tutors" please help'
>>> j.findall(q)
['Python Tutors']
>>> j.findall(x)
['Python Tutors']
>>> w = ' he "Foo foo" bob marley " fee fee " '
>>> j.findall(w)
['Foo foo', ' fee fee ']

I recommend this http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/regex/ 
and python2x/tools/scripts/redemo.py to learn how to use regexes well.


Liam Clarke

On Apr 6, 2005 5:19 PM, Marilyn Davis <marilyn at deliberate.com> wrote:
> Hi Tutors,
> I need a little help with this, if anyone has the time and inclination:
> >>> s = 'Hi "Python Tutors" please help'
> >>> s.split()
> ['Hi', '"Python', 'Tutors"', 'please', 'help']
> >>>
> I wish it would leave the stuff in quotes in tact:
> ['Hi', '"Python Tutors"', 'please', 'help']
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you.
> Marilyn Davis
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