[Tutor] webbrowser.Error: could not locate runnable browser

SnapafunFrank Frank at snapafun.co.nz
Sat Sep 25 10:56:25 CEST 2004


New here and to python.

The subject is my current problem with blender <Help Menu> and this site 
is the only one I have found that has made any mention of it. ( The only 
one listed in a search using www.vivisimo.com ).

Your thread: 
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2003-September/025151.html applies.

It seems by this thread that there is a fix but as a newbie I have no 
idea where to look to install the syntax. [ eg.  Quote............. 

Tracking it down, it appears that the "BROWSER" key of the os.environ
dictionary is used. Under Gnome, this is defined as '/usr/bin/galeon'.
Under KDE, it's 'kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing'. I have no idea what
that's supposed to mean - whatever it does, it doesn't start the
browser. However, if we change this to "konqueror" before importing the
webbrowser module, it works:

import os

if os.environ["BROWSER"] == 'kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing':
     os.environ["BROWSER"] = "konqueror"

import webbrowser

webbrowser.open("http://google.com")  ] <http://google.com%22>

Anyone care to entertain an old tinkerer and help me get this prob dealt to?



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